Jumat, 30 November 2012


There are three ways of forming the Feminine of Nouns:

(1) By using an entirely different word; as

Masculine -- Feminine

Bachelor -- maid, spinster

Boy -- girl

Brother -- sister

Buck -- doe

Bull (or ox) -- cow

Bullock -- heifer

Cock -- hen

Colt -- filly

Dog -- bitch

Drake -- duck

Drone -- bee

Earl -- countess

Father -- mother

Gander -- goose

Gentleman -- lady

Hart -- roe

Horse -- mare

Husband -- wife

King -- queen

Lord -- lady

Man -- woman

Monk (or friar) -- nun

Nephew -- niece

Papa -- mamma

Ram -- ewe

Sir -- madam

Son -- daughter

Stag -- hind

Uncle -- aunt

Wizard -- witch

(2) By adding a syllable (-ess, -ine, -trix, -a, etc) as,

Masculine -- Feminine

Author -- authoress

Baron -- baroness

Count -- countess

Giant -- giantess

Heir -- heiress

Host -- hostess

Jew -- Jewess

Lion -- lioness

Manager -- manageress

Mayor -- mayoress

Patron -- patroness

Peer -- peeress

Poet -- poetess

Priest -- priestess

Prophet -- prophetess

Shepherd -- shepherdess

Steward -- stewardess

Viscount -- viscountess

[Note that in the following -ess is added after dropping the vowel of the masculine


Masculine -- Feminine

Actor -- actress

Benefactor -- benefactress

Conductor -- conductress

Enchanter -- enchantress

Founder -- foundress

Hunter -- huntress

Instructor -- instructress

Negro -- negress

Abbot -- abbess

Duke -- duchess

Emperor -- empress

Preceptor -- preceptress

Prince -- princess

Songster -- songstress

Tempter -- temptress

Seamster -- seamstress

Tiger -- tigress

Traitor -- traitress

Waiter -- waitress

Master -- mistress

Murderer -- murderess

Sorcerer -- sorceress

Note:- The suffix -ess is the commonest suffix used to form feminine nouns, from the Masculine, and is the only one which we now use in forming a new feminine noun.


Masculine -- Feminine

Hero -- heroine

Testator -- testatrix

Czar -- czarina

Sultan -- sultana

Signor -- signora

Fox -- vixen

(3) By placing a word before or after; as,

Masculine -- Feminine

Grandfather -- grandmother

Greatuncle -- greataunt

Manservant -- maidservant

Landlord -- landlady

milkman -- milkwoman

peacock -- peahen

salesman -- saleswoman

washerman -- washerwoman


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